Lessons Fasting
Rewarded it came directly from Allah ‘Almighty. This means that no one knows the magnitude of the levels of fasting except Allah reward. As for the other acts of worship will be given a reward in accordance with the intentions of the perpetrator in which the good will be rewarded with tenfold to seven hundred times and even a lot of multiples
Shaykh Salih bin Fauzan Al-Fauzan
With the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allâh, the Lord of the Worlds. Salawat and greetings hopefully devoted to our prophet Muhammad, family, and all his companions. Amma ba’du.
Allah ta’ala says (which means): “O you who believe, fasting has been required to you as required for those before you, hopefully you fear”. Allah addressed this verse to His servants who believe among the people, that God has obliged them to fasting, as God require fasting prior to the peoples. Thus, the obligation of fasting is an obligation that has existed since time immemorial to the peoples.
That’s because the magnitude of the virtue of fasting and also the needs of those faithful to him. God preach to this people that fasting was also obliged to the people before them, that in order to console them. When they know that fasting is also required of the followers in addition to their fast then surely it will be lighter for them. So this is one way to entertain them.
Then Allah describes the stored wisdom behind fasting shari’ah that God has set. Is not the main purpose of fasting is to prohibit eating, drinking, or pleasures permissible. This is not the main purpose of it, but the real target is the fruit of fasting that in a servant. Therefore God said, “I hope you do right”.
This shows that fasting is the cause towards devotion to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. And this is the biggest faidah of fasting. Namely that fasting will foster piety, while piety is maqam / worship highest level. Piety is a sentence that includes all goodness. Due to the fast, a servant will shun vice and evil, stay away from it, and repent of sin is past.
That’s because he realizes that immorality will damage fasting can even cause the disappearance of all the reward of fasting. So he’ll get tired and exhausted without faidah anything. Therefore, one who is fasting will be trying to stay away from sin. And this is something that can be felt and seen.
A fasting person different from people who do not fast. People who are fasting will restrict and minimize immorality of all the senses that he has. Because fasting will restrict himself from it. In contrast to the condition of those who do not fast, because the strength of the body and syahwatnya will bring him to tend to follow the desires of lust and lust. Others with the person who is fasting, so the fast will membentenginya of immoral-this immoral and led to devotion to God in him.
Then, fasting did not leave the fruit and used positively on the real culprit is not the actual fasting. Then every Muslim should look at himself; fasting if it could deter him from committing any softening of his heart to obedience, made him hate disobedience and obedience moves, then that means his fast correct and yield benefits. As if on the contrary it means fasting is not helpful.
That is why God said, “I hope you do right”. So fast that did not bear piety is not containing faidah in it. This is one of the fasting faidah -that fortify of maksiat-. Then, among the very great virtue of fasting is fasting Allah’s favor on all forms of practice for himself. Allah says, “Fasting is for Me, and I will personally reply.” That’s because fasting is no intention of a servant to his Lord; no one knows except Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
You, when viewed among the people, then there is no difference between people who are fasting and that in others. Does not appear to be differences between them. Unlike the case with other forms of worship; prayers can be seen, charity looks, jihad also seemed, a rosary, tahlil and takbir also evident and can be seen and they could hear it.
Unlike fast, so fast it’s something secret. Secret between the servant with his Lord. Because in his heart he intends to fasting to draw closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. And this is a matter that is not known exactly except by Allah. Fasting can not be seen in
physical; the same. He was just like everyone else. He also walked, move, -Same with other people-so it does not appear that the physical fasting. Only God who knows that he is being puasa.Jadi because fasting is a secret between the servant with his Lord Allaah favored this practice for himself. Where God declares, “Fasting is for Me.” In fact, a matter that is understandable that all worship is for Allah, as for worship is not intended to God it is not able to produce benefits for people who fast / do charity that alias in vain. However, this has the specific fasting; where he is the greatest secret among the many lain.Kemudian worship Allah says, “And I shall reciprocate”. Rewarded it came directly from Allah ‘Almighty. This means that no one knows the magnitude of the levels of fasting except Allah reward. As for the other acts of worship will be given a reward in accordance with the intentions of the perpetrator in which the good will be rewarded with tenfold to seven hundred times and even a lot of multiples thereof, except for fasting. Because of the magnitude of the reward of fasting can not be measured by the number or numbers tertentu.Karena fasting is a form of patience. He left the patient in the food, beverage, thirsty, and hungry. While Allah says (which means): “Verily will be enhanced reward / reward for those who are patient it without calculation”. As for the other works, the reward and the reward is determined by the calculation / reckoning. Could be a lot, and it could be less. As for fasting, then no one knows the levels of reward other than Allah. This then also showed the virtue of fasting. That no one can know the great and the size of the replies given to him except Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. “Fasting was for Me and I shall immediately responded” .In addition, the other devotions could easily enter shirk. Prayer, he entered shirk. Where one was praying to other than Allah. Likewise alms, he can be infiltrated by riya ‘. Prayer can also be compromised by riya ‘. But fasting, then he is not infiltrated by riya ‘. Because fasting is something that is confidential between the slave with his Lord. Fasting can not look at the state of the perpetrators as well as other deeds with it will be able to open the door riya ‘. Fasting is the practice of secret between the servant with his Lord, so inaccessible riya’.Demikian Similarly, the idolaters ordinary closer to the idols of the sacrifices and nadzar, prayer, istighotsah, they associate partners with God in all forms of the practice, while fasting then he did not tersusupi and not accessible by shirk. That is why Allah said: “Fasting was for me and I was the one who responded”. This means that fasting can not be infiltrated by shirk. This is one of the features that exist in worship there puasa.Tidak story polytheists first fasted for their idols. No story devotees fast for grave grave; closer to him with fasting. While at the same time they like to get closer to god-god they were to pray, celebrate slaughter, nadzar, and so forth. This is testament to the fast privilege than the entire charity. So God said, “Fasting is for Me and I shall requite” Then Allah explains why fasting person was willing to leave food, drinks, and syahwatnya, namely, “For Me”. This means that fasting was done solely because of Allah. It is the intention vague. No one knows it except Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. May God give us taufik to all in order to achieve what is loved and blessed-Nya.Shalawat and greetings may shed our Prophet Muhammad, family, and all his companions. *** Source: http://alfawzan.af.org.sa/ node / 14903