Information Technology (IT), or in English known as the Information technology (IT) is a general term for any technology that helps people to create, modify, store, communicate and / or disseminate information. TI brings together computing and high-speed communications for …
Wanita adalah salah satu makhluk ciptaan Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala yang mulia. Karakteristik wanita berbeda dari laki-laki dalam beberapa hukum misalnya aurat wanita berbeda dari aurat laki-laki. Wanita memiliki kedudukan yang sangat agung dalam islam. Islam sangat menjaga harkat, martabat seorang …
Leader in Islam has a dual function that must be implemented integrally. First, is to carry out the function as a leader, which is to replace the prophetic mission in order to keep al-din (likhilafati al-nubuwah kharosati fi al-din). Second, …
Afatul are two phrases spoken word meaning the danger of the tongue. This does not mean tongue always bring mudhorat for humans, because the tongue is also beneficial to humans. With one’s tongue can speak and convey the intended meaning. …
Follow up and still in the series of preparations for such YBWSA Surveillance Audit Implementation of Understanding and the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 on 21-22 August 2016 ago, YBWSA back will conduct SWOT Analysis Training. This activity aims to …
Purchase In Islam Islam sees the concept of selling it as a tool to make it more mature man in mindset and carry out various activities, including economic activities. The market as a trading activity should, be used as a …