BISmillah, Berkhidmat Untuk Kesejahteraan Umat

Purchase In view of Islam

Jual-Beli-660x330Purchase In Islam

Islam sees the concept of selling it as a tool to make it more mature man in mindset and carry out various activities, including economic activities. The market as a trading activity should, be used as a training ground for a human right as a vicegerent on earth. Then the actual buying and selling in Islam is a means to produce a formidable caliphs in the earth. Purchase In view of Islam
By: Muhammad Imaduddin *

In the Qur’an Surah Al Baqoroh verse 275, Allah states that: “… God justifies the purchase and forbids usury …”. The interesting thing about this verse is

the prohibition of usury, which is preceded by penghalalan purchase. Offers to buy (trade) is the basic form of human economic activity. We know that the market created by the transaction of sale and purchase. Markets can arise when there are sellers who offer goods or services for sale to buyers. The simple concept was born out of an economic activity which then developed into an economic system.

The question now is, as to whether the concept of buying and selling the permissible and in accordance with the Islamic view? To answer these questions, then we need to look at the restrictions on the activities of buying and selling. Al-Omar and Abdel-Haq (1996) explains the need for clarity of the object to be bought and sold. Such clarity should meet at least four things. First, they explain about the lawfulness. That is, the goods are permitted by Islamic law. The goods must be absolutely lawful and away from the elements that are forbidden by Allah. May not sell goods or services are unlawful and destructive. Second, the problem of existence. Object of goods are to be completely real and not a hoax. The stuff was really helpful with a fixed form. Third, delivery. This means that there must be certainty of delivery and proper distribution. Timeliness becomes important here. And lastly, is the precise determination. Quality and value are sold must be appropriate and attached to the items to be sold. It is not allowed to sell goods that are not in accordance with what was informed at the time of promotion and advertising.

Of the four boundaries of objects such goods then we need to see how the concept of ownership of a product in Islam. Al-Omar and Abdel-Haq (1996) also explains that the concept of ownership of the goods it is absolutely belongs to Allah (Sura 24:33 and 57: 7). All that is in the land, sea, air, and the entire universe belongs to God. Human commissioned by God as caliph to manage the property of Allah and ownership of goods concerning lives must be managed collectively with honesty and fairness.

Islam sees the concept of selling it as a tool to make it more mature man in mindset and carry out various activities, including economic activities. The market as a trading activity should, be used as a training ground for a human right as a vicegerent on earth. Then the actual buying and selling in Islam is a means to produce a formidable caliphs in the earth. Abdurrahman bin Awf are one example of the companions of the Prophet, who was born as a strong believer in the market thanks to educational outcomes. He became one of the rich people who trust and also has a personality ihsan.

Then how to create a trading system that can generate a strong caliphs? There are several steps we can practice as early as possible. The move is among other things by practicing honesty ourselves. Practice becomes an honest man of small things. Prophet always practiced honesty, including when trading activity. He always describes the actual quality of the goods sold and never played dosing scales. In addition to training honesty, we must also be able to take advantage of business opportunities that exist. Not being a talkative person seeing the success of the business of others. We have to wait and resignation accompanied optimum effort in looking at opportunities right in conducting business activities. Another step is to create appropriate distribution through charity, donation, and Sadaqah. Trading activity should be able to train us to be a generous person and always share with others. Charity, donation, and shadaqah is the right medium to build it.

The concept of buying and selling in Islam is expected to be the forerunner of a market system that is appropriate to the nature of business. The right market system will create the right economic system as well. So, if we want to create an economic system that is right, we must build a trading system that fits ka
idah Islamic law that can generate a strong caliphs in the earth. It can be created with the cooperation between all the elements that exist in the market, coupled with hard work, honesty and being able to see the right opportunity to build a business that can grow with pesat.Wallahu ‘alamu bishowab.Sumber: http: // www.

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